Black History Black Futures Interviews!
YAYYYY!!!! As we wrap up Black History Black Futures month 2021, I wanted to make sure and continue to center Black JOY! The Abolitionist Teaching Network has done some GREAT webinars this month on centering Black Joy and Resilience this month and all year long :). All too often we highlight FAMOUS afro Latinos or well-known Black authors, musicians, inventors, etc. and that is AWESOME, but Black History is being made every single day in our classrooms and school buildings!

I decided to interview the incredibly passionate and dedicated Black Staff and Faculty in my building ALL in Spanish! haha! It led to lots of laughs as they were apprehensive about it… but as we do with our kids, I made it totally fun, safe, and comprehensible. I used lots of cognates, gave examples, whispered translations, and used gestures too!

If you’re interested in getting some easy peasy templates in French and Spanish, I have them for free for you here! (If you’re subscribed to my newsletter then just check your email because they’re already there). After recording the video, I spliced it together with InShot and then added gifs and stickers to aid in comprehension for my kids. I’ve played it in class all week and they are eating it up! After watching we play BEEP! and NOPE! (Two games I learned from Martina!)
Yesterday I featured a couple of quick classroom videos of my students (in person and virtually) in my Instagram stories as they were using the video and activities in class! (Just skip to 1:50 in this video to see them). I’ll share more tomorrow.
However you’re deciding to wrap up this special month, I hope you’re finding a way to center JOY, and remember that you can and should do this at ANY time of the year!
Enjoy the rest of your week!
Until next time,
Stay happy, stay safe, stay sane,
La Maestra Loca

My student designed this shirt for our school!