Tremendously Terrific Tips and Tricks Part 7: Share!
I started this blog a little over a year ago. Since then, it has gained traction and has accumulated over 80,000 views from 18,000 visitors from all over the world! Even three people on the Isle of Man read this year!? WHAT?! I am so grateful for this journey I am on!
Honestly though, what I teach, the way I teach it, and what I write and share with you here is a culmination of ALL I’ve learned from you all and your work. Every presentation I give I start out explaining that I was blessed to “grow up” as a teacher in the Denver Public Schools, under the leadership of Diana Noonan, and because of that, I was surrounded by and observing the best of the best, week after week.
I have borrowed, tweaked and twisted, thousands of ideas from hundreds of teachers to make everything a little bit more “loca” and in doing so I have grown into the educator I am today. I am the best teacher I can be for my kids because I know myself, and I know them, and I know what THEY need to best acquire a language. I also know that if I am to do them justice, I should never stop MY learning journey. I will continue to read blogs, and observe, because I never know where I might get my next idea from!
For those of you who were generous in sharing your ideas and your innovative genius from your own classes with me this summer, I thank you. For those of you who comment and share how you adapt my ideas to fit your classroom better, THANK YOU! For those of you wondering WHAT you can contribute to this ever growing, ever changing CI community, Â I will tell you now. Anything. Everything. Share. YOU, are a mountain of resources just waiting to be discovered. I would be willing to bet, every single teacher reading this blog has at LEAST 2 things they could share RIGHT now that would greatly benefit another handful of teachers.
SO, my last “tip” or “trick” is for you to SHARE. Make your voice heard more. You have no idea who you may help! 🙂 Like I said earlier this week, I apparently changed someone’s life by showing them where the mute button was on their computer! Don’t worry about if you think people are already doing it or not. It is likely that SOME people are, but they are likely doing it differently than you, and it is even more likely that there are lots of people who have never tried whatever it is you are considering sharing. So, whether it is a website, a computer hack, a management technique, a voice saving trick, an engagement booster, or a stress reliever, I encourage you to get bold, get brave, and share. Start now! 🙂 Post a comment below with a quick tip, trick, or hack that you think people will love! Or you think I WILL LOVE!!! 🙂 Who knows, you might transform someone’s classroom, or better yet, CHANGE THEIR LIFE! #yay #share #sharingiscaring
That’s it for a week’s worth of daily blogs from la Loca! I hope that you enjoyed them! My fiancé will be glad to have me back in the evenings I think! 😉
Have an AWESOME week my friends! Thank you for inspiring me daily, and pushing me to be a better teacher and person… I am so so lucky!
Until next time,
La Maestra Loca