Brain Break Part 28: Statues
This Week’s Theme: Statues
Y’all!!!!! I’ve talked about this Brain Break for three years but just recently realized I’ve never actually BLOGGED about it!? WHAT!??! That’s bananas!
I learned this Statues Brain Break in December 2019, approximately 3 months before the world shut down! My, at that time, 6th graders taught this Brain Break to me. Surprisingly, it is STILL one of their favorites to this day!
They insisted it would make a GREAT Brain Break, and I just HAD to learn it! They were right!
Watch a video of us playing it HERE or click below ?? .
Now, I’ll walk you through a Statues Brain Break.
How to Implement a Statues Brain Break
First, I like to “set the stage” and give them MORE INPUT. Before game play, I explain in the targeted language:
There’s a huge problem. A unicorn was let loose in the museum, and it went pee all over all the statues in here!!! All of them are coming to life at random. Please catch them (by saying their name) and when you do, they’re automatically out, and they sit in their seat).
It helps if they’ve seen this modeled first (listen to my podcast on student buy-in HERE). Feel free to use the YouTube video of my students playing it first!

Next, I explain how to play:
- Choose one “security guard” (think Night at the Museum). Have that person step outside of the classroom.
- Instruct students to stand up and swiftly and safely get into various poses, pretending to be statues.
- Bring the “security guard” back into the classroom.
- The goal is for statues to move without being caught! (I tell statues they must move every 5-10 seconds unless the guard is looking right at them.)
- Then, the student night guard walks around the room with a marker as a flashlight and tries to catch students moving!
I can’t wait to hear how you like this Brain Break!

If you’d like to join the 10-day Brain Break Challenge to get this Brain Break and others in your inbox, click here! You’ll have 11 days (there’s a bonus video) worth of videos where I lead your class in new Brain Breaks. If you don’t want to watch the videos with them but just preview them to learn the Brain Break in advance, that works also!
Have an awesome rest of the week!
Until next time, sending you JOY and Positivity!
La Maestra Loca